miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015

Ibiza Half Marathon is organized by the Sports Association Ibiza Half Triathlon and sponsored by the Consell de Ibiza and the city of Ibiza Townhall.


The sporting event called Ibiza Half Marathon is organized by the Sports Association Ibiza Half Triathlon and sponsored by the Consell de Ibiza and the city of Ibiza Townhall.

2.1 The race will have a distance of 21,097 km and are approved by the Spanish Athletics Royal Federation.
2.2 The departure will be in San Mateo (Municipality of San Antonio) with pass through Santa Gertrudis (Municipality of Santa Eulalia) and finishing at the Paseo de Vara de Rey (Ibiza Town).
2.3 The time of departure will be at 09:30 am on May 1, 2015.
2.4 The maximum time for completion of the competition is set at a maximum of 2h 30 'being the closing time of control at goal at 12pm.
2.5 Refreshments for participants will be placed in kilometer points 5 km - 10 km - 15 km, as well as in the finish area.
2.6 The itinerary of the competition will be marked by information boards with arrows, and mileage by indicative panels at each kilometer points.
2.7 Participation in the competition is open to anyone regardless of gender or nationality, whether or not federated and born prior to 1997.
2.8 Registration fees are as follows:
€ 15 from 1 December 2014 to 31 December 2014.
€ 20 from 1 January 2015 to 28 February 2015.
€ 25 from 1 March 2015 to 15 April 2015.
€ 30 from April 16, 2014 to April 26, 2015
The deadline is Sunday April 26, 2015 at 24h.
2.9 The numbers provided by the organization should be placed at the front fully visible and mandatory to carriage them throughout the competition.
2.10 The organization will facilitate to each participant a chip timing control mandatory which must be placed in one of the shoes and must be returned to the organization once crossed the finish line.
2.11 Any claim must be submitted to the general judge in writing and no more than 30 minutes after the provisional standings have been taken out, and with a deposit of € 100.

3.1 The categories are as follows
3.1.1 Men:
Junior (Birth Year 1996-1997)
Promise (Birth Year 1993-1994-1995)
Senior (Up to 34 years)
Veterans "A" M35 (From 35-39 years)
Veterans "B" M40 (From 40-44 years)
Veterans "C" M45 (From 45-49 years)
Veterans "D" M50 (From 50-54 years)
Veterans "E" M55 (From 55-59 years)
Veterans "F" M60 (From 60 years onwards)
3.1.2 Women:
Junior (Birth Year 1996-1997)
Promise (Birth Year 1993-1994-1995)
Senior (Up to 34 years)
Veterans "A" F35 (From 35-39 years)
Veterans "B" F40 (From 40-44 years)
Veterans "C" F45 (From 45-49 years)
Veterans "D" F50 (From 50-54 years)
Veterans "E" F55 (From 55 to 59 years)
Veterans "F" M60 (From 60 years onwards)
3.2 The trophies will be delivered at 12 am on Paseo Vara de Rey to the top 3 finishers in each category, the top 3 of senior level and first 3 locals
, both male and female.

Fuente: Medio maratón ibiza

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